2017 – A New Year For Flight!
Welcome to 2017 everyone! We’re a week in now and hopefully you’re kicking the habit of writing “2016” on everything…
A new year always brings about a bunch of ridiculous resolutions or promises that don’t have a chance of being kept. Less drinking? Who are you trying to fool? For us though, we want to take a minute to look at the year that was and let you know what we’ve got cooking for the next 12 months.
2016 was a big year for us! We basically did all the heavy lifting for the founding of Flight: product was designed, ordered, and delivered, a website was built, and we took our first stab at marketing and promoting Flight Underwear. Needless to say, we learned a lot and made a shit ton of mistakes in the process. All good though, that’s what the early days are for.
This year we’ll be looking to take what we’ve learned and implement some new ideas that we think you’ll love. We’ll also be looking to have our product in a few more retail locations to make it easier for you to see what you’re getting with us – you can check us out in our first retail location, Mr. Boxer, in the Calgary airport if you’re passing through.
2017 is going to be a big year and we’re excited to share the ride with all of you. We’d love to see what 2017 brings for you as well, so hit us up and show us your adventures, just use #lifeinflights.
Peace 2016, here comes the future.