Day 211 – Denali Mountains, Alaska
The gray wolf leads his pack slowly, leisurely, and it’s as if we lock eyes when he turns his head to face me, though I remain unseen in my tent, well hidden in the tundra, staring intently through high powered binoculars.
“Magnificent beast,” I whisper, and rec...
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Day 142 – Borneo Lowland Rainforest
The tribesman raises his hands in victory, as if to indicate, “And that’s the game.” The fire dwindles in the hut I am visiting, but I can still make out his expression of victory. I study the leaves before me, fashioned as they were to resemble playing cards. ...
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Welcome to 2017 everyone! We’re a week in now and hopefully you’re kicking the habit of writing “2016” on everything…
A new year always brings about a bunch of ridiculous resolutions or promises that don’t have a chance of being kept. Less drinking? Who are you trying to fool? For us though, w...
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